I did it, I did it, I DID IT!! NaNoWriMo

I'm so excited. 
I did it! 
I completed NaNoWriMo! 
I'm a winner!!! 

OK, so I've completed the challenge portion of writing 50K words in 30 days, made extremely difficult because I had two bouts of not writing for several days in a row, so here, the last day of NaNo, I still had to write nearly 10K words.  But I did it! 

I still have another chapter to go on my novel to tie up all the loose ends.  And, of course, I've already found things I left out.  Things that were in my head, but never made it to the page.  So I have comments "scribbled" on to my manuscript that will have to be fixed on the second draft, once I truly complete my first draft.  But none of that takes away from the fact that I've never made it this far before, so this is truly, truly a HUGE thing for me to celebrate!

Just so that you'll understand how much of a challenge this was for me, I'm also posting my graph.  You'll see that I had two very large plateaus.  Normally, this is when I would have called it quits.  But thanks to my writing conference and HUGE support from my family and friends, I pushed through both of those plateaus and got finished. 

The only real frustration I had was tonight.  The 50,103 that NaNo registered?  My word processing program has that at 51,023.  So, nearly 1000 words that didn't count?  When you're only writing 50K, 1K is a large amount.  And my analytical brain wants to know what it didn't like about those words.

Okay, it's after midnight.  I still have things to do before bed, so I'm going to call it a night.  Thanks for reading and celebrating with me.  Once I have my second draft, I may post a few short scenes from the book, see if you like this one as much as the second one that I've already posted scenes from.  :)

Hope everyone has a great day!


  1. Congrats on finishing! I have always been way too intimidated to even start NaNo...I barely was able to complete NaBloPoMo one year, and decided not to ever set myself up for that again!

    My main problem with NaNo, too, was that it falls during the month of November....a time when I just can't commit to write every day due to traveling out of state and working on Black Friday.

  2. Thanks, Kim. I've been super-excited about finishing, and am almost done with that first draft. I've already seen HUGE plot holes and one-dimensionality of my characters, but am ready to start re-working it. :)

    Look forward to seeing more of your writing, and I'm working on getting that writing prompt linky started, too. Hope to have something soon!
