I've been week two'ed

I've been week two'ed.  :D  Week two of NaNoWriMo hit me like a ton of bricks.  I've been told this is a phenomenon that affects a lot of participants in which we just can't keep up the momentum of week one.  But I am happy to report that I pushed through.  I continued to write, albeit a little more slowly, and I learned some things about my characters that I didn't know before.  ;)  But I'm within 1011 words of being caught up, and I hope I'll be able to do that and more a little later today.  So wooohhoooo for pushing through, even when life's happening all around you, and it's tough to do!  :)

Hope everyone else is having a great November!  Let me know how you're doing!

1 comment:

  1. I know all about week 2. Week 3 will bring you a renewed breath for writing though.

    This time, doing NaNoWriMo, I knew I had a couple of days that would keep me too busy to write, so I made sure I was 2 days+ ahead of schedule when those two days came around. And yet, here I am, about 700 words behind schedule on my word count anyway. *sigh* I'll catch up either tonight or tomorrow though.
